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I got extremely lucky getting the right counselor for me on the first try, but luck had nothing to do with it—that was all God. It really is all about finding the right person for you. My mom and I later saw two different counselors together, and the first just was not the right person to help us. But the second was perfect. 


If you are hesitant about seeing a counselor, don’t be. They do not analyze you, judge you, or make you feel crazy; they simply listen and put things into perspective for you. My counselor simply listened and, unbiasedly, helped me get to the root of the problems my mom and I were having. She helped me pinpoint exactly how I was feeling, and once that was figured out, we could then start to unravel WHY I was feeling that way. And from there, what I could do to stop that. Like everything, counseling and getting to the root of things IS a process. I actually “graduated” from her once I was able to grasp why my mom and I were having issues and got my head straight again. 


I started going back to her after my home burned down, as I was going through the stages of grief with a vengeance. For this, she listened. It was really all she could do, and it may sound like nothing, but I promise it was the best thing for that time in my life. She also provided me with ways to cope with my feelings instead of letting them eat me alive. 


If you’ve read my blog posts, you might remember how I talked about my emotions taking over in the worst way. This was no fault to my counselor. I started seeing her before my depression became such a prominent controller of my life, and without depression, I was in a better state to logically internalize what I was working on through counseling. After depression, as I have mentioned, my mind was not my own. It was too clouded with the whispers from Satan that were confusing me. I would leave counseling understanding my feelings and then those overwhelming emotions I talked about (doubt, self-pity, fear) stomped furiously over the peace of mind I had just come to. This is one reason why I decided to try a medication, as counseling alone was no longer able to get through to me. 


Please do not read that and think counseling leads to medication, or if counseling does not work the first time, medication is the answer. Counseling alone DID work when I went through the initial blow of the issues with my mom. Just as I was overcoming that my house burned down, adding a heavy load of grief on top of the new peace that had barely had time to grow roots. ALSO remember you may need to go to different counselors until you find the right one.




“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)


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