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God knew we would have hard times.

Some are hesitant to try medication, such as antidepressants, because they think God should be enough to get them through this desperate time. They are right, but they also overlook the fact that God knew we would have hard times. He created counselors to guide us, and medication to correct the chemical imbalance that creates depression. 


Or, if you’re like me, I was always hesitant because I thought an antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication would make me a zombie. I was actually prescribed an anti-anxiety medication about a year ago as I was having trouble sleeping due not being overloaded with tasks and responsibilities on my plate. Do you think I took it? Nope. And I was fine once the semester ended. But what I have realized about depression and antidepressants is that depression is what makes you someone else. It makes you this irrational, illogical, scared person. Antidepressants are what help to lift that cloud so that you can be YOU again. 


Medication is NOT a quick fix. It may take time to adjust to the medication as well as finding the correct dosage for you. You may even have to try different medications until you find the right one for you. Starting them can be a whole other story all together. For me, it was definitely no walk in the park. They can take their toll on your body when they are entering your system, and you may feel worse before you feel better. NOT trying to scare you because I honestly do suggest talking to your doctor about starting one if you think you need to. 


HOWEVER, they SHOULD be a LAST resort. Talk to a counselor, exercise, read a book, go to church, try to find peace on your own first. In my case, none of that worked for the chaos I was experiencing.


It is more than OK to tell people that you started an antidepressant. You might need support when you start it. I had ups and downs, lashed out, cried, but then I was great! But then I was low again. Like I said, IT TAKES TIME. I have finally found the right dosage and I feel good.


They are NOT a fix-all. They do not make you numb or “happy-go-lucky.” They give you the peace of mind to have the strength to handle the turmoil in your life with a clear head. They will NOT make your problems go away. They will only help you be able to manage them.

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