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This page is to bring attention to depression.

Ignoring it does not make it disappear.        
































SO that's my story! What's yours?




Depression is rarely talked about, and when it is, it is often painted as a terrible picture of certain actions, behaviors, and moods. But depression is much more than that. 

During my spout with the "D" word, I started a blog, Please visit and read and realize that you are not alone. Not ever. 



We live in a world where we can either provide accurate information, or pray that our loved ones do not learn the wrong information. 


The more we know, the more we can help.



The "D" Word.

Get Talking About Depression


As I began to believe his lies more and more, I took out my new (and old) insecurities on those I loved the most, and as you can imagine, those relationships suffered severely. Luckily, God made them strong enough to stay by my side regardless of the ridiculous ways I was treating them. And when the time came, God let them rest while I took the reigns to my life back from satan. When the time came, I was stripped of everything. Like I mentioned in my previous post, I do think that needed to happen. I believe that I did need to be stripped of everything to only lean on God. I believe this because this is how I began to overpower my depression.


It took a thorough understanding of how this all works—devil vs. God—to understand what I need to do to not let it win. I needed to forgive myself. I needed to face my self-doubts and let them go. I needed to stop dwelling on them as dwelling on them is how they began to take over my life and my actions.


You will probably notice a reoccurring theme to my posts of “forgiving oneself” and that’s simply because it is 100% a necessity of living peacefully.


It did take me time; however, to get the point where I realized I was holding on to too much pain, regret, and self –doubt, before everything turned around. For months I only shared my troubles with a select few, and thank God for those few. They refused to leave during my absolute worst time and experienced me in a low that I had not even seen before. With God working through those people, I made it through the worst of it. Finally, the time came when God let those who had been helping me stand up know that it was time to let me stand on my own. God would not have taken them away if I had not been able to handle things without them. He ALWAYS knows what He is doing, and He NEVER lets you be alone. That was the other part that ties back to my need to be stripped of everything—I needed the silence in order to hear God. I needed to be as vulnerable as I could be so I that I would finally cry out to Him to help me. 


Depression is kind of the taboo of our generation. It is not talked about, it is not known about, and it is not something we openly tell others if we are going through it. It’s that one thing you whisper about IF you talk about it.


For most, they feel ashamed of falling “victim” to this monster we call depression. That’s when the guilt sets in. Depression can be caused by various things and affect everyone in different aspects of their lives.It really is like a monster that sneaks up and covers your eyes to where you can’t see what’s actually going on. It only allows you see what it tells you or allows you to see. That's what happened to me.


The things I named that I was feeling—self-pity, grief, hopelessness— were all thoughts from the devil. I did say depression was a monster, right? That is the devil, himself. 


His one goal is to make you hate yourself and believe lies, to lose faith in the Lord and not trust His plan. He does this through lies. Through doubt. Through tempting you to believe the absolute worst about yourself. This is how he got me. 


“Your enemy the devil prowls around like a lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, stand firm in the faith.” (1 Peter 5:8-9)


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